Itinerant Museum

A museum that travels across Europe

12 Countries

12 gelato traditions in 12 different European countries 

EU Road of Gelato

The Grand Tour of Gelato flavours in Europe


Discover all our delicious events
Pop-Up Museum

An itinerant museum in each partner country

The Pop-Up Museum is an itinerant museum that will be organized in each partner country as part of the project’s activities.
The tour will involve 12 countries (Italy, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Greece, Austria, Luxemburg, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Poland and Bulgaria). It will be created in the sites touched by the European Road of Gelato (ERoG) to further promote the Road and its values and adherents.
The itinerant museum will be a way to involve stakeholders in each stop and create linked events, training, and information activities about artisanal GELATO while enhancing the network among the different sites of the ERoG.

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